Monday, July 20, 2020

Kuis Perhitungan Bunga Deposit

Pada tanggal 15 Januari 2020 Tuan Iwan menyimpan deposito berjangka senilai Rp. 12.000.000 dengan jangka waktu 3 bulan. Bunga deposito yang berlaku saat itu 16% dan pajak atas bunga sebesar 15%. Hitung bunga deposito yang diperoleh setiap bulannya setelah dipotong pajak dengan menggunakan metode rumus bulanan. Berapa total bunga yang diterima Tuan Amin selama menyimpan deposito tersebut.


Diketahui :

- Nilai deposito berjangka Rp. 12.000.000,00
- Jangka waktu 3 bulan.
- Bunga deposito yang berlaku 16 %.
- Pajak atas bunga sebesar 15%.

Ditanyakan :

Berapa total bunga yang diterima ?

Kuis Perhitungan Bunga Kredit

Pada tanggal 20 Maret 2019 Tuan Andi mendapat persetujuan pinjaman  senilai Rp 16.500.000,00 untuk jangka waktu 3 bulan. Bunga yang dibebankan sebesar 15% pa. Hitunglah cicilan setiap bulannya jika di hitung dengan metode Sliding Rate Bulanan.


Diketahui :

- Nilai Pinjaman Rp. 16.500.000,00
- Jangka waktu 3 bulan.
- Bunga 15 %
- Nilai Cicilan Pokok Rp 16.500.000,00 / 3 Bulan = Rp 5.500.000,00

Ditanyakan :

Berapa cicilan setiap bulannya jika di hitung dengan metode Sliding Rate Bulanan ?

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Study At Home During Covid-19 Pandemic

Write some paragraphs about your experience on home studying during Covid-19 pandemic. Please explain these matters in your paragraphs:

1. How is your feeling switching from attending traditional class into online study at home?

2. is there any difficulty in learning at home? 

3. If there is any difficulty in learning at home, please explain what it is?

4. How do you deal with the difficulty in learning at home?

5. Do you have any idea to make learning at home a lot of fun and to make you easier to learn

Answer :

When I first heard about school closures due to coronavirus I felt sad  because I wouldn't be able to see my friends and. It's harder to learn when you don't have your lecturer in front of you. Compared with normal schooling, online learning is less effective to me. At school, I can approach teachers at any time if I have questions, and I can also discuss with my classmates. Moreover , i also have problems studying online at home for example slow internet connection. Staying at home for such a long time is so boring.

I like listening to music when I study at home because music that is soothing and relaxing can help to beat stress or anxiety while studying. If there are lessons I don't understand, I watch videos on Youtube and discussing with my friend.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Future of E-commerce Experience

E-commerce (electronic commerce) is the buying and selling of goods and services, or the transmitting of funds or data, over an electronic network, primarily the internet. These business transactions occur either as business-to-business ( B2B), business-to-consumer ( B2C ), consumer-to-consumer or consumer-to-business. 

Ecommerce website is currently one of the most important emerging and thriving sectors of web marketing. It has expanded faster over the past years and is expected to keep growing at an accelerating rate. E-commerce websites enable businesses to grow faster, more convenient and less costly.

Future of E-commerce Experience

1. The E-commerce Experience will Transcend The Screen. 

In addition to delivering an experience through all screen types, future experiences will be delivered through new touchpoints such as voice, wearables and kiosks.
2. The E-commerce Experience will be More Personalized. 

While this has been a buzzword for decades, the next wave of personalization will do a much better job of predicting needs. Each individual will get a different experience based on geography, searching history, past behavior, etc. When you walk into a store, a salesperson can intuit a lot about you. The future of e-commerce will use technology to do the same thing … smarter technology that provides a better experience. 

3. The E-commerce Experience will Include a Lot More Relevant Content. 

Consumers want brands that have values and convey the values in a personalized way to the shopper. This requires content. E-commerce brands are moving toward the creation of more, relevant, and helpful content that drives engagement and facilitates the right purchase. Machines will enable this occur faster for long-tail retail items, in real time, allowing humans to develop the biggest experience-enhancing content.

4. The E-commerce Experience will Shift Toward Better Service and Elevate the Shopping Experience. 

For some time, the emphasis has been on providing cheaper service (e.g., shifting to chat rooms, etc.). The future winners will go beyond efficiency to provide service that create value for the consumer.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Soal Perhitungan Bunga Bank

Berikut ini adalah transaksi Rekening Tabungan Tuan Andi untuk bulan Oktober 2018:

Tanggal                      Uraian                                      Nominal
01                           Setoran Awal                           Rp.         500.000,-
10                           Setoran Kliring                        Rp.         2.000.000,-
17                           Penarikan Tunai                      Rp.         1.000.000,-
28                           Transfer masuk                        Rp.         1.500.000,-

Hitunglah bunga yang diperoleh berdasarkan 3 jenis perhitungan (Saldo terendah bulanan, saldo rata-rata, saldo harian) jika diketahui Suku bunga 12% dan Pajak 15%.

Untuk jawaban soal tersebut, bisa dilihat disini. Terima kasih.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Jenis Rasio Likuiditas Pada Bank

Rasio likuiditas mengukur kemampuan likuiditas jangka pendek perusahaan dengan melihat aktiva lancar peruahaan relativ terhadap hutang lancarnya (hutang dalam hal ini merupakan kewajiban bank). Suatu bank dikatakan liquid apabila bank bersangkutan dapat memenuhi kewajiban utang-utangnya, dapat membayar kembali semua depositonya, serta dapat memenuhi permintaan kredit yang diajukan tanpa terjadi penangguhan. Oleh karena itu, bank dapat dikatakan liquid apabila:

a) Bank tersebut memiliki cash assets sebesar kebutuhan yang digunakan untuk memenuhi likuiditasnya.

b) Bank tersebut memiliki cash assets yang lebih kecil dari kebutuhan likuiditasnya, tetapi mempunyai aset atau aktiva lainnya (misal surat berharga) yang dapat dicairkan sewaktu-waktu tanpa mengalami penurunan nilai pasarnya.

c) Bank tersebut mempunyai kemampuan untuk menciptakan cash asset baru melalui berbagai bentuk hutang. Rasio yang rendah menunjukkan resiko likuiditas yang tinggi, sedangkan rasio yang tinggi menunjukkan adanya kelebihan aktiva lancar, yang akan mempunyai pengaruh yang tidak baik terhadap profitabilitas perusahaan. Dalam rasio likuiditas, rasio yang dapat diukur antara lain: quick ratio, banking ratio, dan loans to assets ratio.